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NSPCC Sport Network Christmas Appeal

The NSPCC Sports Network was set up to further harness the power of the sports industry to fundraise and promote the important work of the NSPCC. The Network recognises the workload and time-poor nature of many within the industry and is specifically designed to engage and inform but do so with a moderately light touch commitment. Members of the network are all senior figures in the UK sports industry who are invited to networking events, sent regular information about the charity’s key activities and successes, whilst giving a personal commitment to identify and secure ways to raise funds for the charity during the year. We are brought together by our shared belief that we can do more for children.

As a group, we all believe in the NSPCC’s values and the charity’s views that the protection of children from harm is a societal issue that we all have a responsibility towards. It is the role of all adults in society to help play a part to keep more children safe. As many as half a million children suffer abuse or neglect in the UK each year.

NSPCC Sports Network members commit to fundraising £500 a year for the NSPCC. This fundraising can come in many forms, such as:

  • Participating (or organising others to participate) in one the many other sporting events the NSPCC has access to, such as the London Marathon;
  • Helping to sell tickets to or otherwise support fundraising events, such as Trailblazers;
  • Donating prizes for charity auctions;
  • Introducing the charity to potential donors and partners in the world of sport;
  • Directly donating to the charity.